As the rain splattered on...

As the rain splattered on...

It was a drizzly morning
the world was sleeping
a busy doctor headed to work
as the rain splattered on...

Across several stations
as the train rushed past
he was preparing for clinic day
as the rain splattered on...

Greetings, wishes, knowing nods,
caring looks, and loving words,
past all this he started work
as the rain splattered on....

It was an elderly woman
with age wrinkling her skin
her weary eyes hazed with confusion
as her tears splattered on...
as the rain splattered on...

she had lost touch with her world
reality was a distant one
her sugars had played a number on her
as the rain splattered on....

Her sons and daughters surround her
but something was amiss
The faces had anticipation not anxiety
as the rain splattered on...

In her confused stupor the lady saw,
Her children hover all around her
willing, wishing that she should go
as her tears splattered on....
as the rain splattered on...

Bearing the pain of life-giving labour
then protecting the helpless ones,
She reared them in her heart, she thought,
as the rain splattered on....

I don't ask you to care for me,
I don't ask for money, for wealth,
I ask you just to love me, she thought,
as her tears splattered on...
as the rain splattered on...

They were waiting for her to depart,
their minds planning their future life,
the life which she generously gave them
as the rain splattered on...

The doctor cried and lamented
there was little he could do right there,
he begged them to take her to a bigger hospital,
as the rain splattered on....

The brothers and sisters looked around,
not me you, not me you,
And then they started fighting it out,
as her tears splattered on...
as the rains splattered on...

The lady put out her hand in the air
searching for a hand to hold
there was none, as they were fighting hard
as her tears splattered on...
as the rains splattered on...

as she turned she saw the doctor
held his hand and beseeched
take my life, she said in her mind,
as her tears splattered on...
as the rains splattered on...

Hearing her unintelligible sounds,
The doctor mustered courage to say
"stop your fighting, this is your mother"
as the rain splattered on...

And then there was silence,
and a tear were shed around,
We want no more, they said
as the rain splattered on...

The helpless doctor sat down
took off his glasses to reflect
the vagaries of the life around
as the rain splattered on...

Being dependent can be a curse
One should go when they are active
there is no love greater than self-love, he thought
as the rain splattered on...

Rain is a boon when it is feeding
A bane when it is a flood
Rain's the reason for life and death, he thought,
as the rain splattered on...

That rainy day he learned a lesson,
of life so intense and strong
I should protect myself before all, he thought
as the rain splattered on....


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